Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Horse For Sale - OTTB

I hated to do it but I have put Bouffe up for sale. This is his page on Retired Racehorse Project horses for sale list:http://www.retiredracehorseproject.org/ottb-horses-for-sale/1-horse-listings/1085-bouffe
He is too nice of a horse to just stand around day after day and not be ridden.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Just Hippotherapy - Multiple Sclerosis

I finally went to the farm today but didn't ride Bouffe. Ever since the weather changed a couple of weeks ago I have been experiencing many of the MS symptoms that are typically brought on by hot weather not the cold. But my MS has always been much more sensitive to the cold than the heat, which is what is happening now.

I did do hippotherapy today but knew I was not walking well enough to get Bouffe out of his stall, groom him and put his tack on. He did enjoy the carrots I brought and seemed to understand as he always does that I was just not strong enough to ride him today. I saw him watching me riding one of Robin's horses as Eileen led me around and Robin walked beside me. It was only for a few minutes and then he seemed to be satisfied that I was alright and went back to eating his hay. Our spiritual relationship is still very strong!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

First Time For Everything - OTTB

I have written over an over again what an unshakeable horse Bouffe is. Well, there is a first time for everything and yesterday Bouffe threw me off. He wheeled and dropped his shoulder and off I came. The cause for his action was a piece of plywood that is used to teach horses to walk on a wooden surface, such as a bridge. Yesterday it was windy and the plywood being warped was an easy target for a strong gust that lifted the elevated corner as we walked by doing a serpentine. I had held on to the reins when I came off and after getting up I led Bouffe over to the plywood. He snorted while looking at it carefully. After a minute or so he decided the plywood was not a threat and nuzzled my arm. When I looked at him those kind eyes were saying, "I'm sorry." 

I was going to get back on, but as we walked to the mounting block I started to feel a little sore. I felt a sense of peace about what had just transpired and knew this was a good time to stop. We walked calmly back to the barn. Bouffe was quiet as I untacked him and fed him his carrots. He seemed so appreciative that I hadn't yelled at him or snatched the reins when he threw me. We have a relationship that is something special and one I hope to continue for many years to come. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Neck Reining Is Coming Along - OTTB

I rode Bouffe again today and was pleasantly surprised when I tried some figure eights and serpentines not using any direct rein but only my legs and neck reining. Bouffe did great!!! Just like with everything else he is much stronger going to his left than his right, something that is to be expected of a horse who spent ten years on the racetrack where everything is done counterclockwise. 

I have been working with Bouffe off and on for the last year to teach him this and he did so well today I wish I had spent more time teaching and practicing than I had. With as well as he did today I feel confident we will be ready for the novice Western classes in the Spring. We did some jogging again today and Bouffe was great, no more lazy-bones. 

Even though he had been on the racetrack all of those years, I don't think he had ever seen a wheel chair until today. Robin's patient finished her hippotherapy session while Bouffe and I were still in the ring and when she dismounted she got into a wheel-chair. Bouffe seemed very interested in what that contraption was, so I stopped and let him watch. He paid close attention but never took a false step. I was so proud of the way he handled himself again today! He is truly a very special horse.   

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Best He's Ever Been - OTTB

I don't know whether it was the cool Fall breeze or that he getting fit, but Bouffe was better behaved today then he has ever been since I have owned him. Of course better behaved for him is much different than a lot of horses. Better behaved was the fact that he didn't plod along and strode out both at a walk and a trot, which was much better for me because I didn't have to tired my legs pushing him to go along. In fact he actually cantered for a few strides today, which was a first. 

We did our usual figure eights and serpentines under Eileen's watchful eye and completed them without too much difficulty (Bouffe did fine but I was slouching some and dropped my shoulder on the turns). But all and all it was the best lesson I have had. Bouffe did well and I still had some strength in my legs when we were finished.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Best We've Ever Done - OTTB

I had another lesson yesterday with Eileen. As soon as I got Bouffe out of his stall I knew he was going to be a good ride. After I finished grooming him he was antsy and had a look of anticipation as I put his tack on.

Bouffe usually stands at the mounting block and waits for as long as it takes me to get on, but yesterday he was anxious to get started and moved twice before I got on his back. Once I was on Bouffe walked along striding out, instead of his usual plodding. When Eileen asks us to trot we made it all the way around the ring, which brought a round of applause form Eileen and Robin, who was watching. We continued doing well as we completed figure eights and serpentines along with some more trotting. Eileen said it was the best she has seen me ride and was pleased with Bouffe also, saying he was amazing, which was direct reference to how he bucks and runs when he is first turned out and then is so quiet when I am on his back.

I told her Bouffe and I have a spiritual relationship and yesterday was a prime example. Because of the pain I has been in recently, I was not looking forward to the lesson and thought maybe I wouldn't even be able to get Bouffe out of the stall without help. But, there is just something about Four Quarters Farm that lifts my spirit when I arrive and carries over to my relationship with this wonderful horse.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Back In The Saddle Again - OTTB - Multiple Sclerosis

Because of health issues that the doctors aren't really sure what is wrong, other than to blame it on my Multiple Sclerosis, I haven't ridden Bouffe up until today when I had another lesson with Eileen. What ever was and still is wrong with me physically went away once I was on Bouffe's back.

Now, Bouffe was his usual lazy self and was barely walking around the ring until I showed him the split reins in my hand that were ready to smack him on the shoulder. No other action was needed, as I am sure he remembered all of the times he had been hit with a whip during a race. He jogged beautifully, which gave me a chance to work on my posting. We also practiced three loop serpentines and figure eights, which took some effort on both our parts to complete.  But all and all it was a good lesson and I wish I could feel as good all the time as I do when I am riding Bouffe. It was another spiritual experience!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Back In The Saddle - OTTB

After about six weeks I finally rode Bouffe today for a lesson with Eileen. Even though I was told Bouffe had been a handful to bring in and out of the field I got right on him after tacking up and never had a problem. If Bouffe wasn't a thoroughbred nothing would have been said, but he again showed the breeds naysayers that thoroughbreds are not hot uncontrollable horses that can only be ridden by those who are unconcerned with their own personal safety. Strong words, but I am tired of hearing the negative thoroughbred comments. For more information on retraining the thoroughbred and what this wonderful breed can do please see this website:

Bouffe and I walked and jogged, did serpentines and figure eights, which all met Eileen's approval. All and all it was a very good lesson.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I Finally Got To The Farm - Multiple Sclerosis

The doctors still do not know what is wrong with me but are leaning towards it being an exacerbation of my MS. I am feeling a little better and went to see Bouffe and had hippotherapy yesterday. Today I am sore again and am not sure if  will get to the farm tomorrow, which was my original plan.

While I have been gone Bouffe has not been happy and was causing trouble when being led in and out of the field. But he sure was glad to see me yesterday and was very well behaved while being groomed and eating his carrots. As I have written before there is a spiritual connection between the two of us. One which I want to keep for a very long time.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Haven't Been To The Farm - Multiple Sclerosis

I haven't been to the farm for almost two weeks. Last week I was at a music camp, which was a planned vacation. But this week I have been sick with symptoms that could be attributed to several different illnesses. I ruled out my back today and hope by the end of the week to know exactly what the problem is.  

Friday, June 27, 2014

Early Morning Ride - OTTB

I was at the farm bright and early at 8 AM, which was not to Bouffe's liking. He was very stubborn and lazy because he didn't get his hay before we rode. I'm sure that's what it was, because as soon as he saw Leslie giving hay to all the other horses Bouffe acted like a spoiled brat and refused to do anything I asked without me making him, which in a way was good exercise for my legs, even though they got tired. 

The new saddle was still a pleasure to ride in and once he stopped pouting, Bouffe did jog well for me again today too. Bouffe looks good an is getting fit along with his rider, who is dreaming of riding the range in South Dakota. 

Yes, South Dakota. I am going to visit Dale Simanton on his ranch and learn how to work cattle. If you remember the Thoroughbred Makeover from my post of October of last year, you have met Dale. We are also going to be riding through the Black Hills and enjoying the beauty of the West. Bouffe is invited to go along but it is just too expensive. I know it is going to be a spiritual experience and I am confident Bouffe will be able to feel the Power of what I learn as we ride together when I get back.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Another Good Ride - OTTB - Multiple Sclerosis

I had another good ride today on Bouffe; in fact, it was better than the one last Friday. The reason being, a new, at least for Bouffe and me, saddle. 

Last week I purchased this older all leather saddle on eBay with the intention of reselling it. It doesn't have a manufactures name and is well worn, but still a beautiful saddle that is in good condition. I noticed when I took it out of the box that the gullet was narrow. Upon measuring it I found it has standard quarter horse bars, which is what fits Bouffe. The only draw back was that is was only a 15" saddle. But I figured what the heck, I would try it out anyway. Ends up a 15" saddle fits me better than the 16," plus it also gave Bouffe more room between the pommel and his withers. The Abetta saddle I have been using lays right on the saddle pad and directly on top of Bouffe's withers. I can fit my finger between the pommel and the pad on this new saddle.

There was definitely a difference in the way Bouffe moved today also. His shoulders seemed freer and he jogged around the ring without constant encouragement like he was feeling much better. The same held true when we did figure eights and serpentines and he never acted lazy as he has before. My conclusion was the Abetta was hurting him. I know it made a big difference in mine and most likely his experience while we were riding for a half and hour. I am anxious to show Eileen next week when she is back from vacation how much better Bouffe and I are both doing. Weather and my health permitting I hope to ride again on Friday.    

Friday, June 20, 2014

My Best Ride In Quite Awhile - OTTB, Multiple Sclerosis

Well, it has taken me ten days to get back, but today was the best session I have spent with Bouffe in a long time. First off I stopped taking the Baclofen that was prescribed for me to take three times a day. I stopped it because it was making me tired, but after a day of not taking it I discovered I was walking better too. Today was the best I have walked leading Bouffe to and from the ring along with grooming him and tacking him up.

I hadn't ridden earlier this week because on both occasion I was too tired by the time I got Bouffe ready and just put him back in the stall. But today I had more energy along with better mobility and rode for thirty minutes. I was even able to get Bouffe to jog once around the ring instead of just along one side. I did drop my stirrups down one hole, which made it much easier to get on, along with more stability when I was jogging. I worked on my neck reining and the longer stirrups made the legs commands more effective also. Bouffe is learning and I was able to get him to bend to the right and the left with just a little direct rein and a lot of leg. All and all this was a really good day!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I'm Doing Better - Multiple Sclerosis

I had another lesson with Eileen, who said I did better again today. I think the rebirth of my equestrian skills may have something to do with what I was wearing today. 

I had purchased a magnetic necklace years ago that was suppose to help with my balance and it did help some. But today I combined it with the Tommy Copper shorts and I started walking better immediately. By the time I got to the farm I was feeling more steady putting one foot in front of the other than I had in a long time. I remained more stable as I groomed Bouffe, tacked him up, walked him down to the ring and started riding him. My posting at a trot was smoother even though Bouffe did not like the deep going. 

Because of his old bow and dislike for wet going, I normally would not have ridden him under those conditions, but today was the only open time Eileen had for a lesson. Bouffe did survive and enjoyed his carrots. Maybe Friday the going will be better.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Good Lesson Today - OTTB, Multiple Sclerosis

Even though it was hot and I was still sore and not walking so well, I went ahead and took a lesson from Eileen today. I was glad I did.

Bouffe was in his very cooperative mode and stood cross-tied with his saddle on for about ten minutes before we had our lesson. He was very mellow when I was riding him and trotted more willingly today than he had in the past. Eileen was pleased with our performance as we did figure eights, serpentines, circles and the before mentioned trot better than in the past. I did have spurs on, which may have helped some.

I am still learning how to use split reins and Bouffe is still getting used to the Tom Thumb bit. But overall we did better than the last time. Bouffe is just a very special horse who takes everything pretty much in stride and remains a spiritual being in my life.   

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Been Too Sore To Ride - Multiple Sclerosis

I know I haven't posted in a week, but I have been too sore with muscle tightness from my Multiple Sclerosis. I went to the farm on Wednesday but wasn't walking steady enough to even get Bouffe out of his stall. I was so sore yesterday morning that I didn't even bother to go. I have hippotherapy on Monday and hope this coming week will be better than the last.

Friday, May 23, 2014

A Good Ride - OTTB

"A good ride," is what Leslie told me she thought I had with Bouffe today. She was right. He seemed to accept the new bridle with the Tom Thumb bit much better than he had on Wednesday. Plus the bridle has split reins, which I can and did use to slap him with once when he got in his lazy mode and once was all it took. From there on out he responded as soon as I just picked the reins up off his shoulder. He is such a smart horse, who knows exactly what he should do to make me work to my fullest, which is good on my part.

I spent the entire time I was on him today practicing neck reining, something Bouffe seemed to understand. But as soon as I didn't give him the right signals he just stood there until I got it right. As I have said all along Bouffe is a very spiritual being and is a learning gift from my Higher Power.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

We Work As A Team, Sometimes - OTTB, Multiple Sclerosis

Bouffe is a very kind horse; who, I have said from the beginning, knows my physical problems and wants to help. But today the helping was only on his terms. 

When I took Bouffe from his stall he walked slowly and stopped anytime he felt my gate waiver. He stood quietly while I groomed him and tacked him up,  letting me use his body for support anytime I felt the need. But once in the ring it was a different story.

We had an excellent lesson with Eileen, but Bouffe was not really interested. He spent most of his time looking at the Minni's  and other things he thought he saw out in the field, which was very distracting and tiring, as I had to continually squeeze him into even a normal speed walk and trotting took all my strength. My legs got quite a workout and they were too tired to do the last trot Eileen had planned. 

Now Bouffe is a very lovable horse and gets lots of attention because of it. But today I wish he had been a little bit on his toes and not plodded along as he did for thirty minutes and had to be made to do anything except a very slow walk.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

We Both Felt At Home - OTTB, Multiple Sclerosis

I had a lesson today with Eileen and as soon as my body sat in the Western saddle I felt just like I was sitting in my favorite chair at home. Bouffe was his usual cool, calm, collected self also. I tacked him up a few minutes early and he stood calmly cross tied while I fed him some carrots. He seemed even more at ease when I had him stand and wait cross tied with his halter over the bridle until Eileen was ready.

I am getting the hang of this Western riding and Bouffe did everything I asked of him in the ring, which included figure- eights, serpentines and walk and trot. It was a very satisfying experience.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lesson Learned - Multiple Sclerosis

After five minutes, my lesson today with Eileen was rained out. It was just as well, because Bouffe was not too happy being ridden in the rain, with thunder rumbling off in the distance. But, in just that five minute time I learned a very important lesson : I wanted my western saddle back.

Even though it was for a very short period of time I did not feel secure or comfortable in by beloved Passier. It is the finest saddle I have ever owned, but when Bouffe didn't particularly like doing figure eights with the upcoming storm off in the distance, I tightened up and really missed the deep seat and especially the horn of my Abetta. 

Since I attribute my Multiple Sclerosis and the poor balance it caused with breaking my arm, I have finally realized how seriously I can get hurt and now the person who rode horses no one else would, has a fear of falling off. As I said almost a year ago in this blog I am going western and this time I plan on staying there. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Things Are Looking Up - OTTB

My hamstring muscle is much better, so after physical therapy I went to the farm and saw Bouffe. He is loosing his winter coat and his mouth was better, as he ate his carrots like before and let me put a bridle on him. All good signs that we will finally be able to start training again on Wednesday.

Even though my leg is better I still got tired by the time I finished grooming Bouffe, which something I have to keep in mind. I still have MS.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Still Out Of Action - OTTB

My hamstring muscle is still not healed. I have had ultra sound treatments and hippotherapy, both of which made it feel better, but as soon as I try to go on with my previous activities (walking the dog, swimming pool maintenance, etc.,) the muscle seizes up  again. I was suppose to have a lesson with Eileen this morning, but it was canceled because of my leg. Right now I am having trouble walking, so I didn't go to the farm at all. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Now, We Have Both Stopped Training - OTTB - Multiple Sclerosis

Besides for the ongoing physical issues I have because of my Multiple Sclerosis I now have pulled a hamstring muscle in my left leg and cannot ride at least until Monday. I am not sure how I injured myself, (probably just overdoing since I felt so much better wearing the Tommie Copper) but my left leg has been so painful to walk on that I haven't been to the farm since the end of last week. I have been going to PT with Mike Mauro and after two session my lege does feel better. I have another session tomorrow and I am confident as always that Mike will get me back in the saddle.

Leslie has been keeping an eye on Bouffe and he is still eating good; so, I hope his mouth is healing along with my leg.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Training Stopped - OTTB

The Passier saddle I bought arrived on Tuesday and I anxiously awaited until Wednesday to try it on Bouffe. The saddle fit perfectly, like it was made for him. But that is as far as I got. When I tried to put his bridle on, Bouffe would not let me put the bit in his mouth; actually, I couldn't even get close to his head with the bridle.

I got Eileen to help me and after much struggle, she managed to get his mouth open, which revealed large ulcers on his lower gum. From her many years of experience both in England and the United States, Eileen determined that the sores were most likely caused by something Bouffe ate, like some spices of grass he munched on out on the field. There really wasn't anything to do treatment wise, except keep an eye on him for a couple of days, which we have done. Today he ate his carrots, which he couldn't do yesterday and we determined that he is on the road to recovery. But he cannot be ridden until the ulcers heal. So for the time being training has stopped again. I am very disappointed not to be able to ride, but also glad that so far, it isn't anything that I need to get a vet for.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Another Good Lesson - OTTB - Multiple Sclerosis

Bouffe and I had another lesson with Eileen this morning. She is such a good teacher and coach. I was able to get Bouffe to trot one complete circuit around the ring, which doesn't seem like a big deal, but since I couldn't get him to trot even half that far last week Eileen said it was a big improvement. I alternated between sitting and posting, which also went much better than last week. This was also my first lesson wearing the Tommie Copper clothes, which definitely made a big difference as my legs felt stronger.

This might all change when the Passier saddle I just bought arrives next week. Of course it is English and the one I owned before fit me and Bouffe perfectly and was the most comfortable saddle I had ridden in to that point. I will be interested to see if I still feel that way now that I am riding Western. 

Eileen rode Bouffe at the end of the lesson and he took it all in stride, just like everything else he has been asked to do. He is such a wonderful horse and definetly a spiritual being.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

I Finally Got To Ride - OTTB

The weather forecast yesterday was for rain all day, but it held off until 10AM allowing me a chance to ride! Bouffe didn't seem to be as excited and gave me some trouble putting the bit in his mouth. But after several minutes of fighting with his swinging head I got the bit in and we walked to the outdoor ring for a lesson with Eileen.

This was my first lesson and the chance to really ride for several months and I could tell I was out of shape. Especially when Bouffe decided to be stubborn and I had to urge him on with my legs. Eileen is an excellent teacher. She pushed me some, but was very patient and said I did good for the first lesson. She had us trot quite a bit, which definitely was good for me but Bouffe wasn't so eager. I know now I will have to wear my spurs every time I ride him. I tried to ride with one hand on the reins, which for me was difficult; even though, surprisingly, Bouffe seemed to understand what I was doing.

Yesterday I rode Western, but still wore my English britches and riding boots, which are very comfortable and give me support. The Tommie Copper clothes I ordered will be here today and I am anxious to try them on and see how they feel. If all goes well I expect a big boost in my riding ability. Maybe Bouffe and I will make it to the big shows yet.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Changes May Be Coming - Multiple Sclerosis

I may go back to riding English. Yes, after all I have written about how much I enjoy riding Western I may go back to where I started. Yesterday, I decided to wear a pair of my elastic britches, which are used only in English riding attire. I found that the tightness of the material against my skin brought relief from the numbness and tightness of my hip joints caused by my Multiple Sclerosis. I wore them again today along with my tall boots when I took hippotherapy. I was amazed how well I walked around the farm and how comfortable I felt on horseback and when I got home, where I continued to wear the boots and britches.

This was all brought on by a TV commercial I saw for Tommie Copper copper fiber clothing. In the ad the leading bareback bronc rider tells his story of how many broken bones he has had and the pain he felt in his joints from his injuries until he started wear Tommie Copper  compression garments. Now he is back on the top of his game. I bought a complete set of their compression wear yesterday and it should be here in about a week. I am anxious to try it out. But the main thing it has shown me is how much better I feel and how much better my mobility is when I wear the clothes I wore today.

Last Wednesday riding lesson was canceled because of the extreme cold that once again plagued Maryland. I am hoping to have a lesson this Wednesday and I think by his attitude today Bouffe is looking forward to getting back to work. He seemed full of himself today as I feed him his carrots. I hope we can start back on Wednesday it has been a long winter.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Another Sunny Day/Hippotherapy - Multiple Sclerosis - OTTB

It was another sunny morning and I took advantage of it and went to the farm early before my hippotherapy appointment at ten. Bouffe was unusually affectionate and lay his head on my shoulder as I stood at the stall door and talked to him about our plans for the show season. He has a serious look on his face like he was pondering what I had said about possible shows. I did get a lead from Robin about shows at Freedom Hills in Prince George's County, which would be an expensive trip so I have to make sure we are ready. I have a lesson scheduled with Eileen for Wednesday if it doesn't snow, there is a storm in the forecast. When is Spring coming?

I had another good hippotherapy session with Robin, Eileen and Roscoe, who behaved beautifully in the outdoor arena. Robin complimented me on sitting so straight. It was the best I had done in quite awhile and I think the new rollator has something to do with it. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Break In The Weather and A Change of Plans - OTTB

There has finally been a couple of warmer days and I was able to get Bouffe out of the stall and groom him. Because of the warmer temperature (in the 40's) my walking was better but my legs still felt too weak to think about riding. 

While I was grooming Bouffe I asked Leslie when the first show was and was very disappointed when she said because of the poor turnout last year there wasn't going to be any this season but the one in October. This really put a big change in my plans for Bouffe and me. I was looking forward to being able to show him in the novice class and now I may be back to where I started with trying to look for a show that has para-equestrian classes, which also means I might have to go back to riding English. This has really blown everything out of the water and I haven't even started to look at my options.

Anyway, Bouffe was fine and enjoyed his carrots. I have hippotherapy on Monday and I might be able to ride Bouffe during that session or maybe some other time next week. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Weather Continues To Be Lousy - OTTB - Multiple Sclerosis

As Spring approaches it seems like Winter just doesn't want to leave. Since my last post ten days ago, it has been either very cold with a wind chill in the single digits, or it has snowed. I am so tired of tromping around in the cold and wet that some days I don't even want to come out of the house.  I'm sure Bouffe is fine and as each week starts I hope to get back to my three days a week schedule. Maybe next week it will happen. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Rest In Peace Snickers

It was a sad day on the farm this morning. Robin's veteran hippotherapy horse Snickers was found dead in the field. He was 31 and had always been the champion for older horses. He worked everyday as Robin's bombproof mount for many timid patients and also won the Novice class last year with Robin aboard. He will be missed.

Bouffe was fine and ate his carrots but seemed to be as low key as I was at the loss of Snickers. He didn't eat with abandon like he usually does and even stopped several times to do what seemed like reflection on what had happened. He has always been a very sensitive horse and was certainly affected by the quiet demeanor of those at the farm this morning. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Spring Planning - OTTB

I went to the farm and saw Bouffe this morning. I also had hippotherapy. The ground is still snow covered, but again Leslie had plowed the lane all the way to in front of the barn, so I was able to drive and park right in front of Bouffe's stall. Thank you Leslie!

Since I was unable to ride, I spent my time before hippotherapy talking to Bouffe while I fed him his carrots. He again bit off pieces of his liking while I held the carrot. I told him it would soon be time to go back into training and he stopped chewing and gave me that Bouffe look like he understood and wanted more details. When I told him I planned on he and I winning the novice class championship this year he shook his head up and down, much to my amazement. I have written before how I think this horse is a gift directly from God and yesterday he showed me again that he really does understand what I am doing and wants to be a part in it. I'm not one to write or usually believe in this type of stuff, but it has happened too many times in the last year. This horse is definitely special and is a true spiritual awaking in my life every time I visit him. 

Hippotherapy went very well; in fact, I think it was the best session I have ever had. It makes such a big difference when Eileen is there to handle the horse, which yesterday was Roscoe, who is young and can be a challenge at times. But yesterday Eileen, Robin and I worked as a team and I was able to ride better than I have for a long time and felt really good after I dismounted, which doesn't always happen. Thank you Eileen, Robin and Roscoe.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

OTTB - A Very Content Horse

Even though it was snowing again this morning I made up my mind that I was going to the farm. Leslie had cleared the entire road right up to in front of the barn, so it was an easy trip getting to Bouffe's stall. He greeted me again with whinnies and was very interested in the bag of carrots i had in my hand. He always makes me laugh the way he eats them.

I never have to cut them up or break them in smaller pieces. I just hold each carrot up vertically, one at a time. He lets me know how big of a piece he wants and holds it in his mouth until I break it off. It is just another little thing I consider a special relationship with this fantastic horse.

He seemed very content as I went into his stall and checked his legs, which looked good. I think we have both found a very special place in Four Quarters Farm.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Now It Is The Ice - Multiple Sclerosis

Now that the weather has gotten warmer during the day, the snow is beginning to melt. But, when the temperature drops in the evening everything freeezes. This is just basic weather condtions that I'm sure all of you know. But, in the morning, all of the walkways for both people and horses are a solid sheet of ice. And those were the conditions I met, when I went to the farm this morning to see Bouffe. Leslie had managed to get out of the house and met me, as I tried unsucessfully to negotiate the hill going down to the barn.

It is such a pleasure, to have a barn owner who is concerned about the well being of her boarders, as well as the horses. She took the carrots I brought for Bouffe and fed them to him for me. She is also going to email me when the conditions improve, so I will be able to get to the barn without falling. Thank you Leslie!

It is very frustrating when I can't do things because of my Multiple Sclerosis. If it wasn't for my balance issues I could have gotten down the hill without a problem.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Finally!!! - OTTB, Multiple Sclerosis

I finally went to the farm today. I had hippotherapy, which went very well, but I wasn't able to spend much time with Bouffe. There is still a lot of snow at the farm and the only way to get to the barn, after parking my car, was down a steep hill, which was packed down and icy in spots. I did negotiate it when I first got there and was able to spend a couple minutes with Bouffe, who greeted me with whinnies,  before my session. I was going to go back after I was finished but Bouffe had been turned out and I didn't feel steady enought to go up and down the hill again.

There is more snow forecast for tonight and tomorrow, but warmer temperatures are on the way and I hope to get back there and spend some quality time with this special horse.

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Winter Weather Continues

In the ten days since my last post it has either snowed or the temperature has been in or near the single digits with the wind chill index, much too cold for me to get to the farm even if the roads were passable. I have hippotherapy scheduled for Monday, but there is more snow expected between now and then; so, I don't know if I will get there or not. I miss seeing Bouffe, but know he is being well taken care of.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

More Snow and Cold - More On The Way

This has been a terrible winter! The almost daily snowfall and extreme cold has made it almost impossible for me to get out of the house. Because of my MS my legs just will not work in this kind of weather. I don't know when I will get to the farm again.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Multiple Sclerosis - Extreme Cold

The average temperature for the next few days will be about twenty degrees and with the wind chill it will be below zero. I can not stand to be out of doors when it is this cold. Because of my MS my legs become completely numb and at the same time very painful. I may not get to the farm at all this week.

Friday, January 24, 2014

OTTB - More Winter Weather

I haven't written for te last few days because we had a major snow storm on Tuesday and the farm has been closed down pretty much for any type of riding. I  missed my lesson on Wednesday and just because of the very cold temperatures I didn't even try to go today. Hopefully next week will be better. Bouffe got his new blanket just in time.

Monday, January 20, 2014

OTTB - The Winter Freeze

The outdoor ring was still frozen solid, so I couldn't ride. But Bouffe really seemed to appreciate his new heavyweight blanket I put on him this morning. His old blanket was a hand-me-down from my previous horse and it has seen better days. Bouffe stood completely still in his stall while I adjusted all the straps and was so content when I was finished. There is just that sense of communication that is not spoken that Bouffe and I have and I have such a sense of peace when I am with him. I forget about my MS and any other problems I  may be having.

Friday, January 17, 2014

OTTB - Ring Is Just Too Deep

Well, the weather has been pleasant for January, but because of the thaw the outdoor ring is too deep for me to ride Bouffe in there. I've had a horse rebow training on this type of surface and I don't want it to happen again.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

OTTB - It Wasn't So Scary After All

This morning Eileen and I decided we needed to make Bouffe's experience in the indoor ring a pleasant one right from the beginning; so, today's lesson was just for Bouffe. I really didn't have to do a thing as I watched Eileen work Bouffe on the lunge line, first one direction, than the other, until in the end, he was completely relaxed and followed Eileen around the ring after she took the lung line off. It looked just like something from a Monti Roberts demonstration! I was extremely pleased.

Next week we want to do the same thing plus have me ride Bouffe in the outdoor ring before we end the session. The following week the entire session will be indoors. It all sounds like a great master plan.

Hopefully, if the weather continues to cooperate I want to ride Bouffe again on Friday in the outdoor ring.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Multiple Sclerosis - "You Didn't Give Up"

"You didn't give up." Those were the words I heard from one of Robin's hippotherapy patients this morning, when she praised me after I had finished riding Bouffe. I didn't realize anyone was watching, as Bouffe and I shared the outdoor ring with Robin and her patient (I have to find out her name) for thirty minutes. As we were leaving was when the compliments came including, how well I was riding and what an inspiration I was, which she attributed to the fact that I didn't give up. She also asked about Bouffe as he stood there quietly. I didn't have much chance to say anything as Robin and Eileen spoke for me, praising  Bouffe. 

Speaking of Bouffe he really wasn't very interested in training this morning as the ring was thawing out and I could tell he hated the going. But at least it wasn't deep or slippery which I imagine it was by this afternoon as the temperature continued to rise. 

I mentioned Eileen in the previous paragraph. She is again working for Robin and is going to again be my riding instructor starting on Wednesday. Leslie just hasn't had the time to teach me and I am looking forward to lessons with Eileen, where I must remember to listen and cooperate. I made amends in a previous post and I must live up to what I wrote. I believe this too is God given and a second chance for me to become a better rider. I have Bouffe and now I have a instructor who I trust will give me every chance to achieve the goals I have for myself and Bouffe.    

Thursday, January 9, 2014

OTTB - Riding Postponed Until?

I don't really know when I will be able to ride Bouffe again. Because of his fear of the indoor ring I haven't been able to ride in there and lately, because of the weather the outdoor ring is frozen when it's cold and sloppy, which is not good footing for a horse with a bowed tenon, when it warms up for the day. Tomorrow we are scheduled to have both as the day starts out with sleet and then warms up with rain. It is only two and a half months until April and I can't wait. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

OTTB - My Spiritual Awakening

I did manage to have hippotherapy yesterday morning before the cold weather set in. The temperature was in the forties when my session started and in the twenties by the time the hour was over. I was so cold by then that I got right in my car and came home. 

I did see Bouffe for a few minutes before my session and told him the weather had been just too cold and snowy for me to come up and see him. He looked me straight in the eyes like he understood. I have been around horses since I was five years old and I have never had this type of a relationship with any of my horses. From the first time I ever saw him, Bouffe has had that look like he knows all about me and was put into my life as a spiritual awakening, which he certainly has been.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

OTTB - The Snow and The Ice and The Cold

Right now, the weather today and in the forecast for the next few days, are making it impossible for me to go to the farm, much less ride. I'm sure Bouffe is doing OK and we will see what happens in this coming week.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Multiple Sclerosis - The Ups and The Downs

Happy New Year to all my readers!

Well, 2014 has started off on a down note as far as my MS is concerned. As well as I felt on Monday and as much energy as I had when I rode Bouffe, that's how little I have today. Fatigue has always been the main symptom of Multiple Sclerosis that has affected me; in fact, it is why I am on disability. But during the last twenty-five years I have learned to live with it and arrange my life and my daily activities around how I feel on any particular day and today was not one where I could ride.

I have had something to do every day since Christmas and decided this morning I needed one day of complete rest and that is what I have done today. Hopefully, one day soon I will be able to at least get to the farm, even if I don't ride. I am thankful that I have someone in Leslie Bosley that I can trust to take care of Bouffe and she has done a wonderful job!