Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Break In The Weather and A Change of Plans - OTTB

There has finally been a couple of warmer days and I was able to get Bouffe out of the stall and groom him. Because of the warmer temperature (in the 40's) my walking was better but my legs still felt too weak to think about riding. 

While I was grooming Bouffe I asked Leslie when the first show was and was very disappointed when she said because of the poor turnout last year there wasn't going to be any this season but the one in October. This really put a big change in my plans for Bouffe and me. I was looking forward to being able to show him in the novice class and now I may be back to where I started with trying to look for a show that has para-equestrian classes, which also means I might have to go back to riding English. This has really blown everything out of the water and I haven't even started to look at my options.

Anyway, Bouffe was fine and enjoyed his carrots. I have hippotherapy on Monday and I might be able to ride Bouffe during that session or maybe some other time next week. 

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