Friday, September 20, 2013

OTTB - Going Western

All of the western tack I ordered arrived yesterday and I didn't sleep too well last night thinking about all of the logistics. First off the saddle weighs thirty pounds; it not that I can't lift it, it is just that because of the weight it is easy for me to loose my balance when I carry it, which means I was going to the farm early so I can drive in front of the barn. There is no way I could carry this saddle down the hill from my normal parking spot. Then after I get there, the saddle has to fit Bouffe and since this is my first western saddle, Leslie will need to check the rigging to make sure I have it on right and show me again how to adjust the length of the stirrups.

Well, to make a long story short I got the saddle to the farm, into the barn, it fit Bouffe and I rode him for about thirty minutes. Bouffe jogged better than he ever has since I have owned him; to the point, that I had to ask him to walk after we jogged two complete turns of the ring. I didn't want to do a whole lot with Bouffe, because he was a little foot sore from the farrier trimming him yesterday. The Billy Cook western saddle fit me better than any English saddle I have ever ridden in. It was amazing that the more I rode the better my legs felt. Plus I could walk with out any pain when I got off. I was a little stiff but it was nothing compared to riding English. I am riding western from now on.

The next show is Sunday and I plan to show Bouffe western in the walk, halt, the walk jog halt and the trail class. These are all therapeutic riding classes and I hope I have some competition. Stay tuned for an update on Sunday.

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