Friday, September 27, 2013

Multiple Sclerosis - Sore Back

Besides for the Multiple Sclerosis I also have back problems as a result of a broken back. This morning my back was very sore for no apparent reason, which has happened numerous times in the last twelve years since the accident happened; as a result, I didn't go to the farm this morning. I am also going away next week and won't be working with Bouffe until next Friday, which is when the next post will be written.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

OTTB - Longer Western Ride

Today was Bouffe's first day back since the show and he felt great. He was anxious to work and I rode him for about thirty minutes instead of the usual twenty.

I am teaching him how to jog (do a slow trot). He will go several strides jogging but then moves to what he is familiar with, the trot, and a quick trot at that.We also practiced tight circles around barrels at a walk. I've been watching some barrel racing on television and think it would be fun to try it with Bouffe. Switching to western tack has definitely been a good change for Bouffe and me.

Monday, September 23, 2013

OTTB - Western Makeover

I went to see Bouffe this morning and received reports of more praise for Bouffe and me from yesterday's show. The judge left a message that we should continue to compete western, for we were phenomenal and said I rode as well if not better than many of the able-bodied riders. I also found out the mystery person who greeted me leaving the ring yesterday, was a barn owner, who had brought her riders to participate in the show.

There was also talk of Bouffe and me participating in some other therapeutic classes in several other local shows.  Changing my riding style from English to western has had remarkable results and I am looking forward to Bouffe and my future in the show ring.

Bouffe was fine this morning and since I had hippotherapy he got a day off. Starting in October Bouffe will have a stall and no longer be on field board. This will make it much easier on him and me because the stall is next to his paddock and close to the tack room. I am anxious to get back on Bouffe on Wednesday.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

OTTB - Three Blue Ribbons Again

Bouffe and I were in two western pleasure classes and one western trail class at the farm's schooling show. Again, we won all three classes. Bouffe did better going western than he did before in English tack and the western saddle is much more comfortable for me to ride in.

These were again all therapeutic riding classes and the judge told me Bouffe and I need to move up to the novice level, which was a complement and one I will follow. When we were leaving the ring a woman, I did not know, shook my hand and said she was very proud of me, which meant a lot to me since I still don't know who she was. We also receive congratulations from several other riders, including Leslie, who said our performance was awesome.

Another highlight was Bouffe going into the indoor ring without a problem for the trail class. He took the whole show scene in stride and happily went out in his paddock when we had finished.

Friday, September 20, 2013

OTTB - Going Western

All of the western tack I ordered arrived yesterday and I didn't sleep too well last night thinking about all of the logistics. First off the saddle weighs thirty pounds; it not that I can't lift it, it is just that because of the weight it is easy for me to loose my balance when I carry it, which means I was going to the farm early so I can drive in front of the barn. There is no way I could carry this saddle down the hill from my normal parking spot. Then after I get there, the saddle has to fit Bouffe and since this is my first western saddle, Leslie will need to check the rigging to make sure I have it on right and show me again how to adjust the length of the stirrups.

Well, to make a long story short I got the saddle to the farm, into the barn, it fit Bouffe and I rode him for about thirty minutes. Bouffe jogged better than he ever has since I have owned him; to the point, that I had to ask him to walk after we jogged two complete turns of the ring. I didn't want to do a whole lot with Bouffe, because he was a little foot sore from the farrier trimming him yesterday. The Billy Cook western saddle fit me better than any English saddle I have ever ridden in. It was amazing that the more I rode the better my legs felt. Plus I could walk with out any pain when I got off. I was a little stiff but it was nothing compared to riding English. I am riding western from now on.

The next show is Sunday and I plan to show Bouffe western in the walk, halt, the walk jog halt and the trail class. These are all therapeutic riding classes and I hope I have some competition. Stay tuned for an update on Sunday.

Friday, September 13, 2013

OTTB - No Saddle

I didn't ride Bouffe today because I bought a western saddle yesterday and it won't be here until next week. After riding in a western saddle last week I decided going western was what I should do. Yesterday, after hours of research I bought a used Billy Cook barrel racing saddle.
I am anxious to ride in it.

For the meantime I am working on Bouffe's crack heel after I groom him. He is really starting to look better. He is such a pleasure to work with and I know I am extremely lucky to have found him.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

OTTB - Too Hot To Ride

When I left the house this morning the temperature was already 85 degrees with 88% humidity. It was almost that hot at the farm when I got there. Bouffe was already sweaty just standing in the run in shed. I brought him in and gave him a bath to cool him off and treated his cracked heal, which is getting better. By the time I left the farm it was ninety degrees. I hope Friday will be better.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hippotherapy - Got The Kinks Out

I had hippotherapy this morning with Robin. I was very stiff and sore before I left the house and even thought about canceling my appointment - but I was glad I went. As I did the exercises on horseback, I could feel the tight muscles start to relax; to the point, I could do all of the stretching exercises with no problem. As I have said before hippotherapy is wonderful and without it I would not be back in the saddle.

I was tired when I finished so I didn't ride Bouffe, but still brought him in to be groomed. I worked on his cracked heel and fed him carrots as we went. He is such a nice horse and always seems appreciative for the extra attention he gets.

Friday, September 6, 2013

OTTB - I Went Western

In my last post I talked about riding in something different than an English saddle - today I did. There happens to be several saddles in the farm's tack room that are for sale, including a Circle Y western saddle, which is the saddle I rode in today. 

The saddle fit Bouffe and was a comfortable ride as we did figure eights and serpentines - it also saved my butt. The temperature has gotten much cooler and there was a breeze this morning, which made even Bouffe act like a two year old, when he bolted and took off like he was coming out of the starting gate. I felt very secure, as he galloped a few strides until I got him back to a walk. But, I am still planning to buy the Australian saddle tomorrow. Western saddles, even the used ones, cost more than the new Australian saddle.  

I felt better today, MS wise, than I had after using the English saddle, which really finalized my decision to stop using English tack. I am anxious to see what the coming weeks bring.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

OTTB - No Riding Again

Bouffe and I both got another day off. Him because his ankle was still a little swollen and me because I would be too uncomfortable on my present saddle.

Bouffe's ankle was much better and I think the swelling was coming from cracked heels on that foot. After Bouffe got his bath I scrubbed the heel with an iodine solution and applied some furicin. Again, he wasn't sore and riding would have been OK if it wasn't for me.

I am getting tired of being sore while I ride. I've finally realized I can't ride in the same type of saddle I used in the past. The saddle now has to fit me along with Bouffe. A way of thinking that is all new to me. When I rode at the racetrack and schooled horses at the farm I used what ever tack I had, without complaint. But now my MS has won and it is controlling the type of saddle I use. I have told Leslie and numerous others that an Australian saddle is the most comfortable and secure saddle I have ever ridden in. It is time to stop the talk and buy the saddle, which I hope to this weekend.  

Monday, September 2, 2013

OTTB - Swollen Ankle

I was debating this morning if I should ride, because I still had some weakness in my legs. My indecision was quickly resolved when I  brought Bouffe in and found the heat and swelling in his left hind ankle and suspensory. Bouffe didn't seem to be sore and stood quietly while I hosed his leg and rubbed it down with Bigeloil. I turned him back out and he went back to eating grass. Leslie is going to check on him later on. 

These kind of injuries are common place, especially with thoroughbreds, and I know from past experiences, to let nature take its course.