Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Best He's Ever Been - OTTB

I don't know whether it was the cool Fall breeze or that he getting fit, but Bouffe was better behaved today then he has ever been since I have owned him. Of course better behaved for him is much different than a lot of horses. Better behaved was the fact that he didn't plod along and strode out both at a walk and a trot, which was much better for me because I didn't have to tired my legs pushing him to go along. In fact he actually cantered for a few strides today, which was a first. 

We did our usual figure eights and serpentines under Eileen's watchful eye and completed them without too much difficulty (Bouffe did fine but I was slouching some and dropped my shoulder on the turns). But all and all it was the best lesson I have had. Bouffe did well and I still had some strength in my legs when we were finished.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Best We've Ever Done - OTTB

I had another lesson yesterday with Eileen. As soon as I got Bouffe out of his stall I knew he was going to be a good ride. After I finished grooming him he was antsy and had a look of anticipation as I put his tack on.

Bouffe usually stands at the mounting block and waits for as long as it takes me to get on, but yesterday he was anxious to get started and moved twice before I got on his back. Once I was on Bouffe walked along striding out, instead of his usual plodding. When Eileen asks us to trot we made it all the way around the ring, which brought a round of applause form Eileen and Robin, who was watching. We continued doing well as we completed figure eights and serpentines along with some more trotting. Eileen said it was the best she has seen me ride and was pleased with Bouffe also, saying he was amazing, which was direct reference to how he bucks and runs when he is first turned out and then is so quiet when I am on his back.

I told her Bouffe and I have a spiritual relationship and yesterday was a prime example. Because of the pain I has been in recently, I was not looking forward to the lesson and thought maybe I wouldn't even be able to get Bouffe out of the stall without help. But, there is just something about Four Quarters Farm that lifts my spirit when I arrive and carries over to my relationship with this wonderful horse.