Friday, June 27, 2014

Early Morning Ride - OTTB

I was at the farm bright and early at 8 AM, which was not to Bouffe's liking. He was very stubborn and lazy because he didn't get his hay before we rode. I'm sure that's what it was, because as soon as he saw Leslie giving hay to all the other horses Bouffe acted like a spoiled brat and refused to do anything I asked without me making him, which in a way was good exercise for my legs, even though they got tired. 

The new saddle was still a pleasure to ride in and once he stopped pouting, Bouffe did jog well for me again today too. Bouffe looks good an is getting fit along with his rider, who is dreaming of riding the range in South Dakota. 

Yes, South Dakota. I am going to visit Dale Simanton on his ranch and learn how to work cattle. If you remember the Thoroughbred Makeover from my post of October of last year, you have met Dale. We are also going to be riding through the Black Hills and enjoying the beauty of the West. Bouffe is invited to go along but it is just too expensive. I know it is going to be a spiritual experience and I am confident Bouffe will be able to feel the Power of what I learn as we ride together when I get back.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Another Good Ride - OTTB - Multiple Sclerosis

I had another good ride today on Bouffe; in fact, it was better than the one last Friday. The reason being, a new, at least for Bouffe and me, saddle. 

Last week I purchased this older all leather saddle on eBay with the intention of reselling it. It doesn't have a manufactures name and is well worn, but still a beautiful saddle that is in good condition. I noticed when I took it out of the box that the gullet was narrow. Upon measuring it I found it has standard quarter horse bars, which is what fits Bouffe. The only draw back was that is was only a 15" saddle. But I figured what the heck, I would try it out anyway. Ends up a 15" saddle fits me better than the 16," plus it also gave Bouffe more room between the pommel and his withers. The Abetta saddle I have been using lays right on the saddle pad and directly on top of Bouffe's withers. I can fit my finger between the pommel and the pad on this new saddle.

There was definitely a difference in the way Bouffe moved today also. His shoulders seemed freer and he jogged around the ring without constant encouragement like he was feeling much better. The same held true when we did figure eights and serpentines and he never acted lazy as he has before. My conclusion was the Abetta was hurting him. I know it made a big difference in mine and most likely his experience while we were riding for a half and hour. I am anxious to show Eileen next week when she is back from vacation how much better Bouffe and I are both doing. Weather and my health permitting I hope to ride again on Friday.    

Friday, June 20, 2014

My Best Ride In Quite Awhile - OTTB, Multiple Sclerosis

Well, it has taken me ten days to get back, but today was the best session I have spent with Bouffe in a long time. First off I stopped taking the Baclofen that was prescribed for me to take three times a day. I stopped it because it was making me tired, but after a day of not taking it I discovered I was walking better too. Today was the best I have walked leading Bouffe to and from the ring along with grooming him and tacking him up.

I hadn't ridden earlier this week because on both occasion I was too tired by the time I got Bouffe ready and just put him back in the stall. But today I had more energy along with better mobility and rode for thirty minutes. I was even able to get Bouffe to jog once around the ring instead of just along one side. I did drop my stirrups down one hole, which made it much easier to get on, along with more stability when I was jogging. I worked on my neck reining and the longer stirrups made the legs commands more effective also. Bouffe is learning and I was able to get him to bend to the right and the left with just a little direct rein and a lot of leg. All and all this was a really good day!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I'm Doing Better - Multiple Sclerosis

I had another lesson with Eileen, who said I did better again today. I think the rebirth of my equestrian skills may have something to do with what I was wearing today. 

I had purchased a magnetic necklace years ago that was suppose to help with my balance and it did help some. But today I combined it with the Tommy Copper shorts and I started walking better immediately. By the time I got to the farm I was feeling more steady putting one foot in front of the other than I had in a long time. I remained more stable as I groomed Bouffe, tacked him up, walked him down to the ring and started riding him. My posting at a trot was smoother even though Bouffe did not like the deep going. 

Because of his old bow and dislike for wet going, I normally would not have ridden him under those conditions, but today was the only open time Eileen had for a lesson. Bouffe did survive and enjoyed his carrots. Maybe Friday the going will be better.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Good Lesson Today - OTTB, Multiple Sclerosis

Even though it was hot and I was still sore and not walking so well, I went ahead and took a lesson from Eileen today. I was glad I did.

Bouffe was in his very cooperative mode and stood cross-tied with his saddle on for about ten minutes before we had our lesson. He was very mellow when I was riding him and trotted more willingly today than he had in the past. Eileen was pleased with our performance as we did figure eights, serpentines, circles and the before mentioned trot better than in the past. I did have spurs on, which may have helped some.

I am still learning how to use split reins and Bouffe is still getting used to the Tom Thumb bit. But overall we did better than the last time. Bouffe is just a very special horse who takes everything pretty much in stride and remains a spiritual being in my life.