Friday, October 11, 2013

OTTB - And The Rains Came

I missed riding Bouffe on Wednesday because I took my wife, Barbara, to an eye doctor's appointment and was looking forward to riding today. But then the rains came and came and came. It has been raining now for over twenty four hours, with no predicted end until tomorrow.

Regardless of the rain I went to the farm this morning to at least drop off Bouffe blanket and I was glad I did. When I finally got there, after negotiating wash outs on several of the roads, it was cold. Bouffe was in his stall, but not very happy. He is a creature of habit and doesn't like any kind of change.  Having a stall is a change he still hasn't gotten used to. This morning the horse in the stall next to him was out and Bouffe was racing around his stall in panic mode because he had been left. I guess being in a stall is something he will have to get accustomed to again and the horses and the field he is turned out in keep changing - he gets frantic every time but calms down once he is turned out with horses or a fields he is accustomed to.

Well I didn't get anything done this morning besides fitting Bouffe blanket on him. He was just too excited to stand still long enough for me to even feed him his carrots  much less groom him. So, once the blanket was on it was back in the field he went.