Wednesday, August 7, 2013

OTTB - He's Such A Good Mover

As the title of this post says, I got several complements on the way Bouffe moves and looks overall. Robin had a hippotherapy session going in the outdoor ring at the same time I was riding Bouffe. Her patient, who is a fairly experience horse person complemented me on Bouffe appearance calling him a "good looking horse." Then Robin's assistant, who is very experienced in many aspects of equitation and had never seen me ride Bouffe before, told me what a good mover he is and how much better I am doing with my posting when Bouffe trotted. I have to attribute this improvement on the fact that Bouffe again wasn't wearing a noseband; therefore, he kept his head down and the fact that I had gotten him a breastplate, which insured the saddle wouldn't slip and also because of its design, gave me something to hold on to when I posted. 

One thing I wasn't wearing were my spurs and also didn't have my crop, which made getting Bouffe to do anything but walk more challenging for me, but I did alright. All and all we had a good session but Bouffe, back was a little tender right in back of his withers when we were finished. I rubbed it down with Bigeloil again after I gave Bouffe his bath and hope it will be alright on Friday. If not I have to refit the saddle again and make sure it isn't too narrow and pinching his back. I will have that answer before I leave the farm on Friday.

I also found out today that Bouffe doesn't like being cross tied in the barn area used for tacking up and also by the farrier and vet. I think it reminded him of being saddled for a race in the paddock at Pimlico - I sure felt it did. He still isn't quiet enough to mount him in the indoor. I tried today and he didn't seem as fearful as before but just fidgeted too much to get on him using the mounting block; someone has to hold his head. 

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