On Monday I was bragging about how well Bouffe and I were both doing. Well, forty-eight hours sure did change that. It is something I am used to and have experienced hundreds of times, but it is still a disappointment when it happens: My MS is acting up and Bouffe is not doing a well as he was on Monday. Typical examples of the ups and downs of horse training and Multiple Sclerosis.
First lets talk about Bouffe. His back is sore by his withers and his coat looks terrible again. The only explanation I have for the back issue is the fleece saddle pad, which I used on Monday instead of the usual quilted one. I did this expecting the added padding to help his back that has a tendency to be tender. But of course just the opposite happened. I imagine that along with the wither pad the fleece was too much padding and it all got bunched up. I did rub Bouffe's back down with Bigeloil and it was better almost immediately.
As far as Bouffe's coat goes it was cloudy today and there was no sunlight shining off of it like there was on Monday, but it still looked rough. After doing some research I plan on taking Robins suggestion and have vegetable oil added to Bouffe grain everyday. It will help him gain some much needed weight and provide nutrients for a better coat. Since it is so high in fat it will also help Bouffe's energy level, but I hope not too much.
As far as I go, my energy level had been depleted by the time I finished grooming and putting the Bigeloil on Bouffe. But still I walked him up the hill to the indoor arena and while still holding him with the shank I let him walk around in there. The highlight of the day was he wasn't afraid this time! I then took him to the round pen and free longed him both directions at a trot. He was sound and traveled better than last week, even though he didn't want to go in a clockwise direction without me making him, which was the finally to my energy. From there I limped back down the hill and turned Bouffe back out. I was so exhausted that I had to sit for five minuets before I could put the grooming supplies and the saddle (which I had gotten out expecting to ride) away. I then drug my exhausted body back up the hill and got in my car.
All of this was an experience I wasn't expecting when I left to go to the farm this morning. Maybe Friday will be better.
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