Sunday, June 16, 2013

Therapeutic Riding - A Blue Ribbon Day

This has been quite a day. It didn't start out so well when I lost my balance and fell hard to the floor. Those of you with MS know how easily this can happen and how scary it can be. Well, even though my body made a lot of noise when it hit the hardwood floor everything was OK and I got up and continued getting myself ready for the show today.

Even though I wore my rubber boots, I was trying to keep a positive mind frame that I wouldn't have to bring Bouffe in through all the mud, as Barbara and I drove to Gunpowder Stables. When we pulled in to the barn area, I breathed a sigh of relief, when I saw Bouffe's head sticking out of his stall door. 

When I got to his stall Bouffe seem to know this was going to be a special kind of day. Even though all of the other horses were also in, Bouffe came out of his stall quietly and stood calmly as I groomed him, pulled his mane and put on his shipping bandages. I remembered then how lucky I was to have such a horse. Words I would hear again in a few hours.

I can't say enough good things about the shipping company, Stokes Creek LLC, I hired through uShip. Steve Pelham arrived with his gooseneck right on time at 7 AM. This began a day of the highest quality service I have ever experienced when shipping horses. Steve stayed with us the entire morning, always ready to help wherever he could.

Bouffe shipped well, but became agitated in being tied up outside the gooseneck. He wanted to work, which became obvious when I brought his tack out and he again stood quietly while I put it on.
He was back to his usual calm collected self once I mounted.

Our first class was therapeutic (as all the classes were) walk halt. Bouffe did no wrong and we won first place! When we turned and faced the judge she commented, "You are very lucky to have such a fine horse." I couldn't have agreed more. 

The second class was walk, trot and I felt I didn't do as well. I knew I was on the wrong diagonal several times and didn't do real well at the sitting trot either, but Bouffe went on and did his job well enough that we won the blue ribbon again!

I was overwhelmed with the results and all the congratulations we received as we left the ring. Bouffe was such a ham and stood still any time someone wanted to take our picture.

The last class was trail: over through and around cavaleties, barrels, cones, and stopping in a square and at a mailbox. This was held in the indoor ring and Bouffe was starting to get tired but still did well enough to earn another blue ribbon. Quite a day for our first show.

I decided today to board Bouffe at Four Quarters Farm,  which was where the show was held, and also where I take hippotherapy. That way I will continue to do my hippotherapy with Robin and also take lessons from Leslie Bosley who owns the farm and was very supportive in Bouffe's and my show ring debut.

Winning these ribbons today was just as rewarding as any race I ever won when I was training and I really believe Bouffe knew he had won them too.


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