Monday, December 30, 2013

OTTB, Multiple Sclerosis - A Really Good Day

Riding Bouffe this morning was the most enjoyable it has been in quite awhile. The biggest factor being that we both felt good. Bouffe had a quickness to his step I haven't experienced lately and even though it was only in the upper thirties, I felt good also, a lot of that having to do with the new saddle.

I thought the Billy Cook was the most comfortable saddle I had ever ridden in, but this Abetta is even better. It gave me the kind of ride I could sit in all day. I rode Bouffe today for at least thirty minutes and my legs never got tight or felt tired. Plus, the Abetta has a close contact feel and my leg commands came through much better than they did when I rode on the Billy Cook. The Abetta also seems to be more flexible, which also increased my comfort level.  Now there is nothing wrong with the Billy Cook, it is a fine saddle, just more saddle than I need at this time.

Now even though Bouffe was feeling good I took it easy because the ring was deep and not good footing for a horse with an old bowed tendon. We practiced neck reining, which Bouffe is getting better at, as we did figure eights and serpintines between our clockwise and counter-clockwise laps around the ring.

Bouffe coat continues to look good, even with the long hair, it glistens in the sunlight. I am very pleased with how things went today and hope it will continue as Bouffe and I get ready for that first April show, which will be here before we know it.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

OTTB - New Saddle

I made a special Saturday trip to the farm this morning because the new saddle arrived yeaterday and I was anxious to try it on Bouffe. Besides for grooming Bouffe and feeding him his carrots, trying the saddle on him was all that I was able to accomplish. Saturday is lesson day at the farm and they were all in the indoor ring, which I wouldn't have ridden in anyway, but the outdoor ring was frozen.

The saddle did fit Bouffe well and I will hopefully be able to ride in it next week. Bouffe enjoyed all the attention and was his usual calm, peaceful self, who as always, is a pleasure to be around. I love this horse more than any horse I have ever owned, regardless of how many races they won, or well they jumped.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

OTTB - Rained Out

I did get to the farm yesterday and saw Bouffe, but it was raining so hard I wasn't even able to get him out of his stall. I did talk to him while I feed him his carrots and he seemed to listen just like his always does. There is just something about him that makes him seem to be more than just your average horse. I still consider him a gift directly from God.

I did purchase another saddle, which should be here soon. It is made by Abetta, which is a well known brand of synthetic saddles and I am looking forward to getting it, hopefully before I try to get back to the farm on Friday.

Friday, December 20, 2013

OTTB, Multiple Sclerosis - Still Cold Damp and Slippery

I was originally planing on going to see Bouffe today, but because of my MS, my legs still can't handle the cold, wet and slippery conditions. I worked outside yesterday putting up Christmas decorations and even though it was a little warmer, my legs still got very cold and I was slipping and sliding on the slushy snow. I have been out for a little while this morning; I got cold just like yesterday and that is when I decided to wait until I have hippotherapy on Monday to go to the farm.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Still Too Icy and Snowing Again

It was still too icy at the farm yesterday. According to Leslie everything was still a sheet of ice and there was no way to drive to the barn. It is snowing again today and I am going away next week; so, I have no idea when I am going to the farm again. I'll know more when I get back on Wednesday.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Multiple Sclerosis - The Cold and The Ice

I have not been to the farm since last week. I was planning on going yesterday, but the cold temperatures (25 was the high and is so again today) has kept me pretty much in the house, except to shovel snow and clean my car off; there is still about two inches of frozen ice on the roof. 

Because of my MS, my body cannot stand the cold, no matter how warm I dress. My legs get completely numb, which is dangerous walking on the snow and especially the ice. We are having a heat wave tomorrow of 35 degrees and I am hoping to get to the farm.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Snow, Snow and More Snow

I didn't right anything yesterday, because I was spending most of my day digging out from the snow storm that hit Maryland Sunday and on in to Monday morning. There was no way I could have gotten to the farm anyway.

Well, it snowed again today, but not as much and everything is ready for tomorrow. I have hippotherapy, which was originally scheduled for Monday, at 10 am. I don't think I will be riding Bouffe anyway because of his dislike of the indoor arena, which right now, is the only place available to ride. I have to find someone to work with me and Bouffe in the indoor, so I won't loose anymore days where I could be riding.

Buy the way, I sold the saddle and plan to keep on using the Billy Cook until I am sure about a synthetic saddle.

Friday, December 6, 2013

OTTB - The Rain and The Mud

It had been raining continuously all night and I new from past experience that if it stopped, later in the morning, as predicted, the ring would be deep, conditions that are not the best for a horse with an old bowed tendon. In fact, riding him over that surface, could be a reason for Bouffe to bow again. So, after taking all of that into consideration and the fact it the temperature was falling, as the expected cold front started to come in, I didn't go to the farm today. Hopefully Monday will be better.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

OTTB - Saddle For Sale

The new saddle did arrive on Monday afternoon and I took it to the farm this morning, with the intention of having a pleasurable experience, since the saddle was so much lighter and I wouldn't have to struggle to put it on Bouffe - but that wasn't the case. It was lighter and is a good looking saddle, especially with the matching bridle and breast plate, but it wasn't the size in the original listing. It has full quarter horse bars, which is considered a wide saddle and much too big for Bouffe.

I wanted so much for the saddle to fit that I put it on Bouffe anyway hoping maybe it wasn't as wide as it looked. After I tightened the rigging it did appear to fit, but once I mounted, after getting over the very high cantle, the saddle sunk down and was resting on Bouffe's withers, which wasn't going to work. So after fifteen minutes I got off and put the saddle back in my car. The saddle is now for sale and will be listed on eBay as soon as I finish the listing, which will have the correct information about the saddle. I will be asking $150.00 or best offer for the saddle, a string girth, the bridle and the breast plate.

Enough about the saddle. Bouffe was really looking good today and seemed anxious to do some work. But of course that never happened, which I think was alright with him, because the saddle seemed to be bothering him and he walked like he was tying up. He was fine once the saddle was off his back and enjoyed his carrots. When I put him back in his stall he acted differently and followed me to the door, instead of eating his hay. He stood their with that look in his eye, like he was telling me everything would be alright and he was there when ever I wanted to ride. I know it might sound ridiculous to some of you, but I am certain this horse is a gift from God, who was definitely there today, in that look in Bouffe's eyes. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

OTTB - Back In The Saddle

Even though I said I wasn't going to ride until I got the new saddle, I felt so good this morning that I rode Bouffe anyway. It was a struggle getting the Billy Cook on Bouffe's back but after two tries I got it on.

The same thing happened when I was mounting. I didn't realize how much flexibility I had lost in my legs and after I tried several times to get my right leg over the cantle, I swung it over Bouffe's hindquarters and then over the cantle. I also had difficulty getting my feet in the stirrups, but Bouffe was patient with me when I eventually mounted and found my stirrups. I have never been around a horse like him. God definitely put Bouffe in my life so I could ride again, there is no other explanation. No other horse would put up with all my difficulties associated with my Multiple Sclerosis. Bouffe takes it all in stride.

Since this was the first day back in several weeks, I only rode Bouffe for fifteen minutes. We did several figure eights and serpentines while I practiced neck reining. I was surprised that Bouffe still remembered what I had taught him so far. I was glad I stopped when I did. I was sore but still had enough strength and balance to lead Bouffe to the barn, put his blanket back on, feed him his carrots and put him back in his stall. He is such a great horse!

My new saddle did arrive this afternoon and seems to be exactly what I ordered. We will see on Wednesday how it fits and if it is easier for me to tack up.